Jo's News and Views No 6 June 2023
Hello Everyone
The Met Office have announced that the average temperatures for June were the highest since records began in 1884. Higher than 1940 and 1976. I think we all realised that it would be a record breaker when we were busy trying to stay cool and keep the garden watered. I hope you and your gardens all came through it ok.
The garden at Myddelton is still producing some delightful blooms despite the lack of rain. In the car park, these Iris orientalis appear every June and are so beautiful, photo 1. Outside the Stable Yard are several Tilia x europaea, or common Lime, photo 2. The flowers were in abundance and are quite lovely to look at, photo 3.
Walking towards Bowling Green Lawn, I stopped to enjoy the sight of the Laburnum alpinum, the Alpine Golden Chain, photo 4. The wind was blowing it about and the sun was streaming through the branches, quite a combination. In the Tom Tiddlers ground I found this beautiful Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus', photo 5. Known as the Mock Orange because of the very pleasing orange aroma coming from flowers which are pure white, photo 6. Also here was this Philadelphus coronarius 'Bowles's Variety', photo 7. Equally as charming as the 'Aureus'.
In the Wisley Corner, the Rosa Wisley 2008 'Ausbreeze' was in full flower, photo 8. This is a lightly scented double rose that will continue flowering until the Autumn, photo 9.
The border on the New River Lawn was full of colour, photo 10. The Phytolacca americana, American pokeweed, was just coming into full flower, photo 11. An amazing flower but the fruits are poisonous. Although birds are not affected by the toxins.
Beyond the Alpine Bridge is this Liriodendron tulipifera, known as the Tulip Tree, photo 12. The flowers cover the tree and it is quite clear to see how the tulip shape of the flower gave its name to the tree, photo 13. Also here, are these two Crataegus laevigata, the common name is Hawthorn, The one on the left is the variety 'Rosea Flore Pleno' and on the right is 'Paul's Scarlet', photo 14. Both trees are covered in hundreds of small clusters of rose pink flowers, photo 15.
Then on my way back to the car park I stopped to capture these Papaver rhoeas or Corn Poppies, photo 16. They looked so beautiful, back-lit with sunshine.
Now for my fauna selection. I apologise for the clarity of some of these photos but they wouldn't sit still for long! First are two Dragonflies, the Four spotted chaser, photo 17 and the Broad-bodied chaser, photo 18. Then I spotted the Azure Blue damselflies. The first one was resting, photo 20. The group are laying eggs, photo 21. The male is blue and the female is a glittering, glossy green colour. Finally two butterflies. The first one is a Red Admiral, photo 22 and the second one is a Holly Blue, photo 23. Both looking a little tatty around the edges.
I hope you have enjoyed this wander around the garden with me.
Best Wishes