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Jo's News and Views No 5 May 2024

Hello Everyone 


The garden is looking lovely. The continued mix of rain and sun has brought everything to life and the garden is full of colour.


The Front Lawn is a wonderful example of this, photo 1. The Juglans nigra, the Black Walnut tree, has burst into life now and is covered in green leaves. It is always the last tree to show its leaves so I always enjoy the moment when that happens. There is colour all along the border here with Rhododendrons, Foxgloves and the Acer all adding to its beauty, photo 2. 


To the left of the front door of the house is this lovely Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum', a Golden Full Moon Maple, photo 3. It was overshadowed by a large tree behind it for some years. However now that has been removed it is showing its true beauty. Nearby, was this clump of Phlomis russeliana, photo 4. There is a lot of this plant around the garden and is a favourite of mine because of the way the stems appear from the middle of a group of leaves. The official version of this is the following..... "The textured, grey-green, sage-like leaves are arrow shaped, and point downwards. In summer, whorls of green buds develop in the leaf axils at regular intervals up each vertical stem, giving a distinctive tiered effect. The buds open to globose clusters of dull yellow hooded flowers"


In the Old Conservatory the Strelitzia, or Bird of Paradise plant as we know it, is flowering well, photo 5, and the succulents are touching the roof, photo 6. By the pond is another favourite tree of mine, the Cornus kousa 'Miss Satomi', photo 7. The flowers are actually clusters of tiny green flowers, which are surrounded by large, dark pink petal-like bracts, photos 8 and 9. There is also another variety in the Winter Bed on the other side of the pond. This is a white Cornus kousa 'Szechuan Strawberry', photo 10. Back on the other side of the pond is a Liriodendron tulipifera, the Tulip Tree, photo 11. The flowers explain why it is called this as they really do look just like a tulip, photo 12. Beside this tree is another stunning tree, the Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry', photo 13. This tree was chosen and planted by Charlie Smith, Head Gardener, in 1996 to celebrate his fifty years of service in the garden. 


At the other end of the New River Lawn is the Wisteria Bridge. The pond that represents the New River flowing through the garden has been repaired and looks amazing, photo 14. The planting around it will soon mature and the wood will weather over time. Further along this wall was this group of Field Poppies that have seeded on top, photo 15, so pretty. 


On the Hollow Lawn there is a wisteria that is growing well, photo 16. This is the best I've seen it flower. In the centre of the garden the Rhododendrons are flowering and the colours are amazing, photo 17. In the Rose Garden the pergolas have been replaced and repaired and look great, photo 18. Surrounded by Roses and Tree Peonies this area looks smart again. Nearby this beautiful Genista, or Broom, was in full flower, photo 19. What an amazing colour. Also, around the garden the Irises are flowering. Here are a couple that caught my eye. Iris 'Argus Pheasant', photo 20 and Iris 'Kangchenjunga', photo 21. I would want the white one in my garden just for the name alone! 


Not much in my fauna section this month. The Alliums around the garden have been keeping the bees happy, photo 22. Up in a tree nibbling young shoots was this Long-tailed Tit, photo 23. A male Beautiful demoiselle posed for me, photo 24. I would have preferred a profile shot however I was pleased it stayed still long enough for me to take a photo. Although it may look like a dragonfly it is in fact a large damselfly and is a beautiful metallic blue colour. Finally, an action shot, photo 25. This male Orange Tip butterfly thinks it is chasing a female but he'll be disappointed because it was a Large White butterfly! 


I hope you have enjoyed this wander around the garden with me. 


Best Wishes 




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