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Jo's News and Views No6 June 22

Hello Everyone

I hope you are all well and enjoying the lovely weather we have had through June. The problem with that is it becomes too dry for the garden so many areas have suffered slightly. No doubt a good downpour will put that right.

The entrance to the garden has looked lovely with a selection of alliums, foxgloves and osteospermums surrounding the welcome sign, photo 1.

On the drive I noticed this splendid shrub with an equally splendid name, Rosa sericea or Mount Omei rose, photo 2. This shrub is in just the right place to catch the sun on it's ruby-red thorns which glow in the sunshine, photo 3. Originally from China this shrub has small white flowers which, unusually for a rose has only four petals, followed by orange red hips. It had neither so it is probably too early for them. I will keep checking and maybe feature them later in the year.

On the Front Lawn the beautiful Acer palmatum was basking in the sunshine, photo 4. This is the new view of the house without the large tree trunk that was removed last month. Walking through the beds in the centre of the garden I found this large clump of Phlomis, which I believe is Phlomis russeliana or Turkish sage, photo 5. I am fascinated with the way the whorls of flowers appear around the stems at regular intervals creating a distinctive tiered effect. Nearby were these Papaver orientale or oriental poppies, photo 6. There does not appear to be so many poppies this year. Not sure of the reason for that.

At one end of the Tulip Terrace is one of my favourite views, photo 7. The Paulownia tomentosa or Foxglove tree is now clothed with fresh young leaves and the tulips have been removed from the beds in preparation for the Summer bedding, photo 7. Further along the lawn in the border is this Rosa glauca or Red-leaved rose, photo 8, underplanted with Sisyrinchium striatum. The small flowers of this rose are deep pink with a pale pink centre, photo 9. These will be followed by orangey-red hips in the Autumn. Then opposite the Pond is this stunning bed of Hemerocallis or Day Lilies, photo 10.

Along the path beside Bowling Green Lawn are the standard roses which are covered with an abundance of flowers this year. This one, Ballerina, was pointed out to me by Jill Kidger for its unusual behaviour. A sucker has grown from the root stock creating a beautiful centre piece of double flowers in the middle of the single flowers, photo 11. The sucker will be removed though, photo 12.

Down to the Glasshouses now which are looking lovely, photo 13. The plant in the corner with the lovely pink flowers is Justicia carnea or Brazilian plume. Along the roof is the Aristolochia grandiflora or Pelican flower, photo 14, which is flowering well.

On the way back to the car park I noticed the Pond Terrace looks different without the huge tree behind it, photo 15. The statues and planters seem to stand out more. I then walked through the yard at the back of the house for a change. The Staphylea colchica or Bladdernut is covered with fruit, photo 16. These strange looking fruits are described as "inflated papery 2 or 3 lobed capsules containing a few nut-like seeds", photo17. I couldn't have put it better myself!

So what fauna did I see through the month. Well, it was a very good month. First of all another glimpse of a Brimstone butterfly, photo 18. It seems to spend the summer dancing around the garden. Next was a Small/common blue butterfly, photo 19. Then I had a Damselfly/Dragonfly day. This is a female Beautiful demoiselle, photo 20 and a male Beautiful demoiselle, photo 21. They are damselflies and were down in the Rock Garden. By the main pond I spotted a Large Red damselfly resting in the sun which was "photobombed" by a Common Blue damselfly, photo 22. Then I watched a pair of Broad-bodied Chasers. The male was amazing, photos 23 and 24. The female was smaller and not so colourful nor would she stay still, photo 25. These dragonflies were mating and I spent a very happy half an hour watching them darting to and fro over the pond, photo 26.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed my wander around the garden.

Best Wishes




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