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Index to Newsletter Extracts

1865 and all that

A Handbook of Crocus and Colchicum

After the frost

Aristolochia clematitis

Asplenium trichomanes

Autumnal tints

Census 1851

Census 1861

Census 1871

Census 1881

Census 1891

Census 1901

Centenary of a gardening classic

Cyclamen hederifolium

Darwin 200

Drought of summer 2022

E. A. Bowles on New Zealand plants

E. A. Bowles: If I were beginning again

E. A. Bowles's fork

Erigeron karvinskianus

Forty years on

Gardening Illustrated magazine

George III monument

Gunnera species

Hidcote Manor garden

In the Alps

Ipomoea purga

Iris 'Cantab'

Iris lazica

Iris tectorum

John Ray

Justicia carnea

Kirengeshoma palmata

+ Laburnocytisus 'Adamii'

Lathraea clandestina

Magnolia stellata


Memories of Myddelton by Florence Darrington

Miss Jessopp

Munstead Wood

Nandina domestica

Narcissus 'Silver Chimes'

Ne’er cast a clout ‘til May be out

New Zealand alpine plants

New Zealand forests

On apples

On brambles

On composting

On hellebores

On re-wilding

On storms

On the environmental crisis

On the flowering of plants

Picking up gold and silver

Podophyllum hexandrum

Portraits of E. A. Bowles

Rheum palmatum

Room at the top

Rosa bracteata

Rose chafer

Science in the asylum

Scilla peruviana

Selinum wallichianum

Senna septemtrionalis

Shakespeare 400

Society 30th anniversary

Some good books

The Bowles family - a publishing dynasty

The genus Ruscus

The Iris collection

The 'My Garden' books (1)

The 'My Garden' books (2)

The New River 400 (1)

The New River 400 (2)

The New River 400 (3)

The New River border

The Pergola Garden

The Pinkadoo bridge

The pond

The robin

The rock garden pools

The year 1954

To begin at the beginning

Wild daffodils

Wisley Bowles’s Corner bench

Wollemia nobilis

Xanthorhiza simplicissima



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